Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Why don't PTC police have state band radios in cars?

I have read a lot of solutions and comments on police chases, most of which are unthinkable. The most unthinkable is to stop the law from trying to catch the criminals by telling them that they can't even try if the criminal doesn't pull over when the blue lights are turned on.

Will it stop the criminal from breaking the law? No, it will just increase crime because all you would be doing is telling the criminals all they have to do is get a vehicle after they commit the crime and don't stop because the law enforcement officer can't chase you anymore so now they have a 99.9 percent chance to get away with it.

[T]he people that live in Peachtree City should be asking why there is no state band [radio] and scanners in all of the police cars. If they would have known sooner, they could have set up a roadblock at the bridge on Ga. Highway 54 just past Hot Spot, or if they had spike strips, they could have used them at the bridge.

Both of these things are needed in all police cars, no matter what the cost. After all, Peachtree City doesn't have a wall around it, so give our officers what they need and should have to know what's going on around us and the tools to try and stop it before it makes it to our city.

Ricky Smith

Peachtree City

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