Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Bob Irvin, conservative, understands Fayette

I am supporting Bob Irvin for the U.S. Senate because he is the candidate that has a proven Republican track record of fighting for conservative values that are shared by a majority of Georgians.

Bob Irvin, as the Republican leader of the state House, forced four tax cuts worth $900 million through the Democratically controlled House.

Bob Irvin will fight "pork barrel" spending in Washington. He has never requested nor voted for a pork-barrel project in the 15 years he has been a state legislator and always voted against wasteful pork-laden budgets.

Bob Irvin is pro-life and pro Second Amendment. He received an A-Plus from the NRA.

He supports America's small businesses. He received a 100 percent approval rating from the National Federation of Independent Business for his votes in this past legislative session.

He will work to abolish the IRS and replace it with a national retail sales tax.

He has never voted for a legislative pay raise.

Bob Irvin understands the problems of Fayette County. He has visited here over a dozen times during this campaign talking with our citizens and hearing our concerns.

As a U.S. Senator, Bob Irvin will fight to protect our freedoms and our tax dollars. I truly believe he is the most conservative candidate in this race.

Tom Parker

Former Chairman, Fayette County Republican Party


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