Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Student for Cox: Is flag issue relevant to our lives?

Is the flag issue really that important?

In the last issue of The Citizen, a letter was written to re-inform the citizens of Fayette County the vote by Kathy Cox to change the Georgia state flag in an attempt to make voters think the flag has anything to do with our lives.

So what if the flag was changed? One question for Mr. Gilbert: how did the changing of the flag hurt you or your heritage?

I would like to remind all the readers that the new flag actually has the old flag on it; your heritage is still intact! Now, should the flag issue been brought to the voters of Georgia? Maybe it should have. But it wasn't. Let us now move on. No one is stopping you from flying the old flag if you choose to do so. Why not spend your time doing something constructive, like campaigning to change the voting districts of Georgia from the current spaghetti-string districts they now are back to community lines where one representative represents.

On a final note, I plan to proudly cast my vote for Kathy Cox in the upcoming primary for state school superintendent. Here's why: She has character and morals in a seemingly immoral system.

Sure, I do not agree with every vote Mrs. Cox has made in the state House. But as a young citizen, I am very satisfied in the way she always made time to listen to my views and made it a point to return all my phone calls. She has a very satisfactory record when it comes to fighting the school system bureaucracy that soon-to-be-demoted King Roy has put in place across the state of Georgia.

It is by this record, and by her character, that I would encourage all of my fellow citizens to cast their vote proudly for Kathy Cox.

William Norris

Student at Southern Polytechnic State University School of Architecture

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