Wednesday, August 14, 2002

It's time to vote: 'Freedom begins between the ears'

[My fellow constituents, it is time. It is time for us to vote. It is time for us to choose our representatives, our soldiers who will fight our battles both here and in Washington. It is very important that you exercise your constitutional right. Politics is war, and for the past 40 years, it has become a war between the looters and the producers, a war between those who expect standards of excellence, and those who want no standards at all. It is a war that I fear we are gradually losing due to apathy and trepidation.

General Douglas MacArthur once said, "There is no security in this world, only opportunity." America has always been the land of opportunities and obtainable dreams. We have a proud legacy of exalted attainment and a tradition of excellence. We come from a proud lineage of individuals, whose leadership, courage and achievement helped to construct the greatest nation in the history of the world.

It is hard to imagine, then, why so many are willing to change the direction and bearing of the course that has brought us unfathomed success. We are a nation that is gradually destroying its history, its heritage and altering its destiny. The heroes of yesterday are portrayed as transgressors of iniquity.

H.L. Mencken once said, "Every election is sort of an advanced auction sale of stolen goods." Today a growing number of citizens no longer vote for autonomy, but vote for their share of other people's assets. We live in a community that honors egalitarian similarity, and denounces individuality. We are letting a few set this course for all the rest of us.

Edward Abbey said, "Freedom begins between the ears." It is the duty of those who cherish and understand the importance of our blessed freedoms, passed on to us from our forefathers, to educate the masses about its value and relevance to our every day lives. It is for these reasons that I urge you to vote. Don't let us down.

Brad Rudisail

Peachtree City

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