Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Wheat didn't listen to county residents before; why now?

I am writing today in regards to the forum that was held Wednesday to meet and listen to the candidates running for county commissioners. It was interesting to see what developers and money people shook which candidates' hands on Wednesday. I was glad I went to hear the candidates. I learned a lot.

I would like to address an issue with Mike Wheat. It was surprising that he did not hide behind his campaign managers skirt nor the desk of Joe Morton while standing on stage. He was asking for the people of the county for our vote because he will follow the land use plan. I almost choked on my gum with that statement. Really?

While mayor of Fayetteville, he didn't and his record clearly shows that statement to be true. Also, while in office, a neighborhood fought a huge development (Wal-Mart) and on the grounds of [what is] now the Office Depot, Mike told us (people who live in the county) that he did not have to listen to us because we did not live in the city and this development was in the city.

Now, Mike wants to listen to these same people of Fayette County and wants my vote? Does he honestly think the county people would forget that statement that he does not have to listen to us? He didn't then so his record proves he won't if he gets elected to this county commission office.

Mike wants to stay on track with a new land use plan really? I understand that if a developer pays a citizen by buying her home, the developer gets that citizen to shut up and that developer gets his development. Poof, the development where Barnes and Nobles sits now. Developers and politicians make deals at cocktail parties, on the golf courses and offering vacation homes up for use. But it's done legally because a vote is taken in open forum.

Mike told everyone that he would be willing to work with the city and GRTA to solve our traffic problems. Really? Considering who sits at the helm of the GRTA, yes, I bet he would. Why did he not work with the county when he was mayor? I personally hold Mike Wheat and the city officials responsible for the "controlled" problem we see today with traffic and development here in Fayette County. It is a rape of our land and our resources because of not following the land use plan that was already in effect years ago.

Mike wants to "help" the county like he "helped" the city. Viewing his past record and working with him for six months while enduring the Wal-Mart developer shows me that I do not want him involved in my county government! What more can be raped and taken from the citizens of Fayette County? By electing Mike Wheat, we would find out in a hurry. He definitely would not be listening to us after he had our vote!

Cay Lowery


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