Wednesday, August 14, 2002

'What I promised I would do, I have done'

Next Tuesday is Election Day, and as the first anniversary of Sept. 11 approaches, I am hopeful that we will celebrate our patriotism by going to the polls to vote for the candidates of our choice. In doing so we reaffirm our pride in our country and our county; in doing so we honor those individuals who have been willing to die for our rights.

I recently received a small donation and a note from one of my supporters who reinforced just what service to one's country and community means. "Mr. Clyde" stated in his note that he wished he was able to help me with the physical portion of my campaign but could not because he is "85 1/3 years old, has health problems and is on medications." He went on to tell me about how he was on Normandy Beach on D-Day and that he still has his Presidential citation.

Here is a man who knows what service to one's country means, a man who could easily say that he had done his part, and let others worry about what happens today. Yet he continues to stay active in his local government and keeps up with the issues affecting his county.

Every election I am privileged to meet so many wonderful people in our county and I am always honored by the confidence, trust and support that you give to me. Each time I am allowed to place a sign in your yard or I receive a donation of your time, effort or a portion of your hard-earned money, I am humbled. Mr. Clyde's note reminded me of how fortunate I have been to work for such a community.

It has been an honor to serve as your county commissioner for these past four years. I have tried to represent each of you with dignity and integrity. I have tried to treat each individual citizen as I would like to be treated. I have tried to make every decision based on the concept of what was best for the entire county. My platform has been up-front from the beginning; what I promised I would do, I have done.

So now one week before election, I once again ask that you allow me to serve as your county commissioner for another term. Together we have made great strides; let's keep that momentum going.

Linda Wells

County Commissioner

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