Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Opponent hiked county budget 69% in 3 years

In this final week before the election, I would like to thank all of our supporters across Fayette County who have helped tirelessly with our "win-win" campaign. Let me summarize our campaign positions.

First, we are working with Lynn Westmoreland, Republican leader of the Georgia House, to eliminate the behind-closed-doors, automatic pay raise system we have here for our county commissioners. My opponent has not addressed this issue other than to say it's not his fault and he didn't do it.

Second, I plan to lower your county property taxes. I cut the city tax rate 39 percent as mayor and I can do the same for Fayette County. My opponent, on the other hand, raised your tax rate by 13 percent (on top of your increased assessments) in his first three years in office by increasing the county budget from $25.7 million in 1999 to $43.4 million in the 2002 budget, a 69 percent increase in three years.

Third, I am calling for a major update to our county land use plan to lower the planned population and to try to mitigate traffic. Our opponent hasn't taken a position on this issue, but we do know that he broke his 1998 pledge of "strict adherence to the land use plan" when he voted in 2000 for commercial spot zoning in middle of the residential south end of the county.

Finally, we are supporting efforts to preserve our Fayette County history by calling for more participation in the Main Street program by the county. Our opponent has responded that he is a supporter of the Main Street program and that it was the city's fault that he bulldozed the historic Dorsey house!

One last word about my opponent's scare tactics centered on development. My opponent knows that it was the county commission who zoned the Pavilion site for commercial use, not the City Council of Fayetteville. It was the county commission who zoned the south Fayetteville Kroger site for commercial use, not the City Council of Fayetteville. The city has made the most with these zonings given them by the county.

Our opponent treated Peachtree City the same way when he voted for commercial use for the Starr's Mill retail project in the south end of the county.

With respect to the hospital annexation, I know Fayette Countians who claim they wouldn't be alive today without it. So, I am proud to have supported the hospital development, despite what the incumbents say!

We need a change in leadership and I need your vote in the Republican Primary on Tuesday, Aug. 20.

Mike Wheat


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