Wednesday, July 24, 2002

PTC Council: Who's cooperating, who's not

Mayor Brown wrote Councilwoman Annie McMenamin a sophomoric e-mail message and copied each of the council members. In it he complains about her not being cooperative. I wonder if the other council members agree with the mayor's statements?

A review of the city council meeting minutes from January through June 2002 shows that the council made 82 votes on old and new agenda items. Council members voted unanimously on 70 of the 82 votes; they all agreed 85.4 percent of the time. There were 10 votes that were a split decision (12.2 percent) and two votes were tied (2.4 percent).

Of the 10 votes that were split decisions, Annie McMenamin voted in the minority only four times. Mr. Brown has voted in the minority twice. Councilman Dan Tennant has voted in the minority the most, five times. And he missed the June 6 meeting. It appears Dan Tennant is the most uncooperative member of council.

Mr. Brown and Councilman Murray Weed voted together on both tie votes while Annie McMenamin voted with either Dan Tennant or Councilman Steve Rapson.

Each council member has voted the opposite of Mr. Brown during one of the 12 split or tied votes. McMenamin voted eight times in opposition (9.8 percent); Tennant opposed six times (7.3 percent); Rapson opposed three times (3.7 percent); and Weed opposed twice (2.4 percent).

McMenamin supported Mr. Brown's development moratorium while Tennant opposed it. She and Dan opposed establishing Mr. Brown's sports and entertainment authority. She opposed Mr. Brown in establishing a community improvement district (CID) on Ga. Highway 54; Dan supported it. She voted with Mr. Brown to provide local matching funds for the livable centers initiative, as did Tennant. She and Dan supported funding the air show while Mr. Brown opposed it.

Mr. Brown failed to inform Annie about his intent to appoint a special counsel to review the contract agreements with the development and airport authorities.

She voted with Mr. Brown to purchase the land on Hwy. 54; Dan was absent. She opposed Mr. Brown on spending $14,000 for a dog park; Dan was absent.

Mr. Brown has complained a lot about Annie McMenamin being uncooperative, but has not said a disparaging word about Dan Tennant or the other councilmen. He complained quite vociferously about [state Rep.] Kathy Cox concerning the CID.

Mr. Brown's pattern appears to be clear. He does not like women, especially those in positions of authority.

John Dufresne

Peachtree City

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