Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Dining Guide
Foodie column: Chilling out this summer
Food Critic
Fayette County is in the throes of another summer and residents are heading to the pools and beaches to find some cool relief from the heat.

Build a better burger for great summer cookouts

Fire up the grill, spice up your burgers and pour a glass of wine the season for America's favorite pastime has arrived!

Brewing perfection

What makes a particular cup of coffee perfect for you? Is it the memorable taste of your morning brew, or is it the coffee's richness that enhances an indulgent dessert? The perfect cup of coffee is determined by both the high quality of the beans and your own taste preferences specifically relating to four key tasting terms-aroma, body, acidity and flavor.

Cooking up love in the kitchen

A night out on the town can be quite romantic, but what about staying home and cooking a favorite meal together? A new survey says couples who cook together at least three times a week are more satisfied with their relationships than couples who cook together less often.

Grapes: Powerhouse Of Phytochemicals

A trip to the produce department is an experience filled with wonderful colors, aromas and the anticipation of great tastes. This is guilt-free shopping at its best, secure in the knowledge that fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and other "good for you" things.