Wednesday, July 3, 2002

Wheat, Stephens didn't violate sign ordinance

In last week's Citizen, a letter erroneously reported that Mike Wheat and Thomas Stephens were violating the Fayetteville sign ordinance by already placing their campaign signs in yards. It was stated that the signs were not supposed to be placed in yards 30 days prior to the election and that the writer soon planned to acquire a copy of the sign ordinance.

It would have been beneficial had the writer actually obtained and read the sign ordinance prior to publicly accusing the two candidates of "breaking rules."

What the ordinance actually states in Section 6-9 (Exempt signs) is that anyone may have two stake signs in their yard at any time during the year and up to four stake signs 30 days prior to the election.

Therefore, Mr. Wheat and Mr. Stephens are not violating any sign ordinance nor breaking any rule. I would venture to guess that these two candidates are very much aware of city and county rules and have put signs out because the election will possibly be decided in mid-August. That doesn't give them much time to get their names out before the public.

On a positive note, the more signs out, the more voter awareness, and the less voter apathy.

Juliette Babb


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