Wednesday, July 3, 2002

Judges badly misread Founding Fathers' intent

Keith Turner's letter about America's Christian heritage touched only a small sample of the writings of this county's Founding Fathers. Many volumes of these great Americans' letters and journals are available at libraries across the country, and they leave no doubt as to the Christian principles that this country was intended to be built upon.

The day Mr. Turner's letter was printed, our court system once again showed their utter disregard for or ignorance of the Founding Fathers' intent. The decision against our Pledge of Allegiance is simply another in a long line of poor decisions made with no consideration to that intent.

Surely there is a way to ensure that anyone involved with interpreting our Constitution (i.e., Supreme Court judges) must be educated on the people who wrote the document, and on the comments they made while crafting it. Until this happens, we will continue to have bad decisions made by those more interested in creating their "legacy" than doing their job correctly to the best of their abilities.

Now is the time to write letters to your representatives demanding that changes be made in the way our judicial system is making their interpretations. Anyone with a high school education and access to the writings of the Constitution's authors can see how improper the Supreme Court interpretations are in modern history. It is up to "we the people" to do whatever we can to return to our heritage!

Ralph Kepple

Peachtree City

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