Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Apology to Fulton jury

The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.

Forgive me for opening with that old saw, but it's been running through my mind since the day of the Watson verdict.

In an earlier letter to the editor I suggested that friends of Jim Watson seek solace in the fact that his murder trial would be held in Fulton County. I was wrong and I wish I could apologize one-by-one to the members of that jury.

The press made much of the fact that this was a more educated jury than can usually be found for a murder case. I would like to add that they must also have been intelligent, realistic and courageous enough to make the hard decisions. My only jury duty required that I help decide a financial settlement after a divorce and that was very emotional for me. I must assume that the people on this jury are wrangling with difficult emotions now, too. My heartfelt thanks go out to them. If it means anything to them, I don't doubt for a moment that they made the right decision.

(Note to Lee Sexton : You knew you had an educated jury you helped picked them. What was with the "First Wives Club" defense? I suppose you went with what you had.)

Lynn Williams


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