Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Keeping up with sign rules

Mr. Wheat and Mr. Stephen's campaign signs are already out in Fayetteville, even though the sign ordinance as printed in one of the local newspapers says they're only supposed to be out thirty days before the election in that city. I guess as the former Mayor of the city Mr. Wheat feels entitled to bend the rules, or break the rules? I also found it interesting that the same folks who write and vote on the rules have Mike's sign in their yards.

I notice that other campaigns are sticking to the rules. Kudos to them, the sign ordinance is in place for a reason. Most of us understand the reason for campaign signs whether we like them or not. I for one am glad there are a few rules in place to keep clutter to a minimum. We don't want to look like some other areas I drive through when I leave this county!

I've decided to start a campaign of my own. I'm calling all the cities and getting copies of their sign ordinances, starting with Fayetteville (770-461-6029). I want to see where and when and if they changed the rules.

By the way, I went to the City of Fayetteville's web site off and on all weekend trying to get a copy of the sign ordinance (they publish them out there). For some reason, the link wasn't working and I tried again and again. Is this the beginnings of Sign Gate?


Lisa Brown

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