Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Political correctness gone too far

Before reading this, be it known that this letter is rated PC-13 (anyone over the age of 13 who is politically correct shouldn't read it). I am a white male, which for some is politically incorrect in itself in our day and age.

These last two weeks have been an eye opener for me. I flew from Fort Lauderdale to Atlanta two weeks ago. I was one of the "arbitrarily chosen" passengers to be plucked from the line at the gate and be frisked from head to toe, including my shoes.

I thought little about it, assuming that it had to do with the fact that I had no luggage to check in, that is, until I left the Atlanta airport a week later for another flight. I checked in luggage this time, and I was "arbitrarily chosen" this time to have my bags searched through at a separate location.

As I stood in line waiting my turn, I noticed that everyone in line was a white male. The gentleman behind me told me he was from Columbus, Ohio, and informed me that he had been chosen three out of three times in the past month.

The security woman who unpacked my suitcase commented on how she liked one of my shirts as she rummaged through my suitcase. When I arrived at the gate and stood in line to board, I prepared myself to be "arbitrarily chosen" again to be frisked. Fortunately, the passenger in front of me was a white male and he was chosen rather than myself.

If a bank robber fled from the scene of the crime in a green Chevy, would you not pull over green Chevys? Would you instead pull over white Pontiacs so you wouldn't risk upsetting green Chevrolet owners?

In between flying, I was considering going to see the film "The Sum of All Fears." After reading the film reviews, I refused to see it after I found out that the terrorist group in the story, which was an Islamic group in the book, had been replaced by a white male terrorist group. This is just another example of the politically correct biasness that white men are the only demographic that can betrayed in an ill light.

I am sure that one day one of the television networks down the road will do a mini-series on the 9/11 attack. I hope it is not too far in the distant future. If it is, then people may forget who really attacked us on 9/11, for the actors portraying the terrorists will undoubtedly be played by white male actors.

Brad Rudisail

Peachtree City

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