The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, June 12, 2002


FCHS Class of 1947 celebrates


It's been 55 years since the Fayette County High School Class of 1947 graduated and they still get together to recall old times. There were 50 graduates that year, nine of whom are now deceased, and 19 were present for the most recent reunion.

Serving as president was Welton Smith, who was on hand for the occasion; vice president was Elizabeth Peeples Dunn (who had to be with her ill mother); secretary was Ethel M. Thompson Maddox, who lives in Fairburn; and treasurer was Robert J. Arnall, who was present.

Class sponsors included Anne Horton, who lives in Illinois, and the late Margaret Lester.

Schooling was only through the 11th grade at this time, and the class of 1952 was the first 12-year class.

Arnall was valedictorian of the 1947 class and Peeples Dunn was salutatorian.

The class graduated Monday, May 26, 1947, leaving on their senior trip that evening. They saw the sights around Washington, D. C. and returned Friday night.

As now, the "town" children walked or carpooled and the "country" children rode school buses. The difference in population then and now? Then it was about 8,000 and now it's about 95,000.




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