The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

NCT's Xtras present Wilder classic

Thornton Wilder's, "Skin of our Teeth" is the more complex older brother of his famous, "Our Town." After setting the theatre world on its ear with "Our Town's" pantomimic simplicity, Wilder went to the other end of the scale with the wild and wooly "Skin."

The play follows the Antrobus family through its travails in suburban New Jersey, which include the Ice Age in Act I, Noah's Flood in Act II and the aftermath of World War III in Act III. Throughout, actors break character and challenge the very existence of the play.

When its all over with, the audience has seen the family triumph over the most adverse circumstances by the skin of their teeth. Originally written for an audience that has survived the Great Depression only to be plunged into World War II, the play, in the words of its author, "mostly comes alive in times of crisis."

Xtras! director Laurel Alford and the teen members are rehearsing now for an opening on June 7. The show will run June 7, 8, 14 and 15 at 7:30 p.m. The tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students and seniors. Phone 770-683-6282 or check the website at for more information.

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