Wednesday, May 29, 2002

'What makes a man?' series begins at Christ the King

A summer preaching series on "What Makes A Man?" will be conducted at Christ the King Charismatic Episcopal Church beginning Sunday, June 2, and continuing throughout the summer months, it was recently announced by Father David Epps, rector of the church.

"If there is a universal question that most men have, it is this one," Epps said. "In times past, young men had 'rites of passage' where, at the end of those events, one knew he was now 'a man' and what was expected of him. Now, there is much confusion about what it means to be a man in today's society. We intend to explore a number of important aspects of manhood and help equip men, young and old, to walk more fully in the life God has given them."

Epps said he had consulted with church leaders, businessmen and military leaders to gain additional insight into what, in their opinion, "makes a man." Examples from the scriptures also will be used during the series to highlight a number of masculine characteristics.

"Some may ask,' Why a series on men?'" Epps said. "Everyone in the community has a father, brother, son, husband, grandfather, or close male friend. If they can become better men, the entire community will be enriched."

Epps, a former Marine and a certified law enforcement officer, has served as a police and fire chaplain for nearly 13 years and has served on Boards of Ordained Ministry for a number of years.

A graduate of Berean University, East Tennessee State University, and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Epps is a Doctor of Ministry candidate at Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pa.

He and his wife, Dr. Cindy Epps, have three sons and five grandchildren.

The series begins this Sunday at 10 a.m. The congregation meets temporarily in the chapel of Carmichael-Hemperley funeral Home on Ga. Hwy. 74 in Peachtree City while the new sanctuary in Coweta County is under construction, .

For additional information, call 770-252-2428.

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