Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Parade is about values, not about candy goodies

I was both disappointed and saddened after reading City Council's decision not to band candy from the upcoming Fourth of July Parade. I found it disturbing that the cries of (what appear to be) selfish eighth graders would ring louder than doing the right thing, which is protecting kids from possible harm and honoring those who died so we could be free.

What kind of message are we sending to our children? In an age of, "What do I get out of it?", a question often expressed by many of today's youth, I feel that it is imperative that we teach them a real lesson here. (I find this situation to be the equivalent to kids attending church only to receive the free donuts provided, and disregarding the important message.) What "they will get out of" a candy-free parade is a focus on honor, pride, and above all, freedom, all the while, protecting young children from possible danger.

Even in the aftermath of Sept. 11, the majority of us still take so much for granted. The emphasis of the parade needs to be on what our forefathers fought so hard for, not on sugary sweets wrapped in paper.

In years past, our family has looked forward to the Fourth of July Parade with great anticipation and enthusiasm. However, in light of the recent City Council decision and the reasons surrounding it, I believe we will find an alternate way to celebrate our country this July 4th.

Regarding the efforts of Kim Morrison, my hat is off to you! I would be more than happy to sign a petition. I only wish there were more people like you willing to vocalize their views involving this issue. Thanks for doing the right thing!

Laurie A. Mobley

Peachtree City

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