Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Growth is not a dirty word in a free country

In a free country, why should there be a conversation on growth? Why should you have a say in what I do with my land or I with yours? I am sick and tired of the communal thinking and politics in this county. If a person wishes to control the use of a piece of land, make an offer and buy it! Otherwise, mind your own business and stop trying to make private decisions out to be community decisions. In my estimation, if I am not robbing, raping, injuring you physically, or defrauding you, then my actions concerning my person and property are none of your concern.

If we want to stop growth, go to the cause. Why not halt all further foreign immigration, remove tax exemptions for dependents from the tax code, place user fees on schools, etc. Stopping housing growth only moves the growth to someone else's community; it does not stop net population growth. I actually favor controlling and gradually stopping our population growth, but at a national level.

People come here for jobs, the climate, good schools, and various other reasons. They don't move here for houses! Houses can be had for less money in many other cities. Stop making builders, which I am one, into your scapegoat. If people stop coming here, I will definitely stop building here.

If you hate the traffic, blame it on the government that you have elected. They build the roads and they control the zoning. Why is almost every store in the whole county north of Fayetteville? The idiots in your government(s) zoned it that way! Anyone else sick of driving 10 miles to get groceries or a hair cut? But this is what happens when you set aside the invisible hand of Adam Smith in favor of the many meddling hands of intrusive, local (over)government.

If our government is having trouble providing services to a growing population, ask why. Are too many services being provided? Are they wasting money on $60 million jails, PT Cruisers for the police, and overregulation of the citizenry? Or are they just plain incompetent. Should not the government be neutral on growth in a free country? Growth is scheduled and planned in communist countries (with disastrous results).

If you don't have the money to buy and control the land around you, there is one other option. You can always vote with your feet. Just as other Americans should be free to move here if they wish, you who can no longer bear the crowds of Fayette County can always leave. One day I may even join you myself. In the meantime leave freedom and free enterprise alone.

Bill Gilmer

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