Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Council interested only in more taxes, not residents

I see where the Fayetteville City Council wants to annex 53 acres at Ga. highways 85 and 92. Does this mean that they have already ruined everything inside the city limits and are now looking for county land to destroy?

It is my opinion that these politicians do not care about the quality of life of their constituents. Their only interest is the increased tax revenue generated by development. Money is power, and power is addictive.

I believe that the council members are thinking something like, "To heck with the people that live here, let's bring in more people to tax." That is why the schools are overcrowded, traffic is unbearable (and getting worse) and crime is on the increase.

It is my sincere desire that every politician who ever voted in favor of rezoning a piece of property to higher density will be caught in a traffic jam every time they leave their driveway.

Chris Burdette


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