Wednesday, May 8, 2002

Drama teacher Buckner has made the arts come alive

Where do I begin to tell you about the wonderful drama teacher at McIntosh High School, Steven Buckner? He is the epitome of what a teacher should be. He is a caring, nurturing, dedicated and committed person to the profession he has chosen. He is a rare and most remarkable young educator who loves what he does, does it with all his heart, and cares deeply about the young people who pass through his classes and his drama program.

He gives hours of his own time outside of the classroom and away from his family to make every project he accepts exceptional. He not only is the drama teacher, but coaches the girl's soccer team as well. Although I am not a soccer parent, I understand that his soccer team excels as well.

Mr. Buckner has a love of the arts that shines through in all he has accomplished this year. He has made the McIntosh Black Box Theatre a place that all of Fayette County can be proud of.

[Last] weekend, hundreds of parents, family and friends were given the pleasure of witnessing a most unique and powerful play, "Godspell." What an awesome experience for our children and community to have participated in! It has left me speechless and, unlike so many of the bad things we hear every day about our youth, it has given me hope and pride in the youth at McIntosh High.

So many students attended the production, and I heard firsthand non-drama students telling this cast of 22 of their peers that they were "blown away" with the show. They all wanted to come back and bring other friends with them.

My son's career choice is theatrical performance and this weekend he began the journey of making his dream come true. Troy State University offered him a scholarship in Fine Arts and he has accepted. This may be a first for McIntosh High School and quite possibly for Fayette County. Mr. Buckner was instrumental in making this possible and we are proud of both Joey and Steven Buckner for all their hard work in making a dream come true.

Donna and Gordon Sommers


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