Wednesday, May 8, 2002

Read those scriptures again: It's hard to mistake meaning

This is in response to comments made by Judy English and M. D. Phillips, in their recent letters to the editor on this subject, as well as comments made by columnist John Thompson in his article, "Gay rights: The agenda is fairness."

First of all, it's obvious that none of these people read the Holy Bible. It clearly states in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (which is in the New Testament, Mr. Thompson!), "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

It looks pretty clear to me! Mr. Thompson indicated that the verses about homosexuality in the New Testament are not clear and Christians are interpreting them to mean what they want them to mean. That's not true. It clearly talks about the sin of homosexuality. Romans 1:24-27 speaks specifically of men and women having unnatural relations with the same sex and committing indecent acts and their perversions, and 1 Timothy 1:10 speaks of perverts. Homosexuals are perverts. It says so in Romans 1:24-27; that's why the verse in Timothy relates to homosexuals!

Also, Thompson and Phillips both referred to a book called, "What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality." This is where these people are wrong. You should be reading the Holy Bible itself, not a book from a priest on what he believes God meant about homosexuality in the Old Testament times and how it doesn't apply to today.

Priest Helminiak is not God, he has only been ordained by God (and I'm not sure that's true either!) and he should be ashamed of himself to be a priest and preaching against what God says in the Holy Bible. ( Then again, there is a lot in the news lately about priests and their homosexual/child molestation sins. Maybe Priest Helminiak is trying to justify homosexuality for himself by putting out a book condoning it and using his many Ph.D.s to make it look good!)

As far as people being born gay maybe so. Being gay is a sin, and we are all born sinners; it's in our nature. I believe that if gays truly turn themselves over to God and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, they can overcome their sin of being gay.

I am a Christian, I believe homosexuality is wrong because the Bible tells me so, but that doesn't mean I treat gays badly. Just because I love them doesn't mean I have to vote in favor of laws allowing gays to have the same rights as heterosexual couples. That's where I don't have to "tolerate" other people's sins. I don't tolerate murderers, thieves, drunks, drug-users, wife-beaters, child molesters, etc. I've known many, and I love them just as I do my Christian brothers and sisters, but I don't have to tolerate their actions. So it is the same with homosexuals.

I'd like to say one thing to Ms. English: You act as if Christians are hateful and hurtful toward gays. If they are acting ugly, and being hateful and hurtful, it's a good bet that they are not truly Christians.

April Bundy


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