Wednesday, May 8, 2002

'Out' brother used same arguments as columnist

I squirmed as I read the words on the page as written by Mr. Thompson. My brother has recently "come out of the closet." Understand that I and he are both "born-again Christians." When he told me of his new lifestyle, I tried to be as receptive and understanding as possible. The funny thing is, he used the exact same arguments that Mr. Thompson used in his article. Trying to be open-minded, I went on a mission to find out for myself wether or not these arguments held any truth to them.

I will try to keep this short as possible, for I could go on forever. For starters, I dove into the Bible to see just what, if anything, Jesus did say about homosexuality. Mr. Thompson is correct in noting that he does not even address it.

Please understand that he also does not address bestiality, pedophilia, or necrophilia. Based on the argument that Mr. Thompson gives, these practices should be allowable as well.

After taking what Christ didn't say about homosexuality and turning it into something it isn't, Mr. Thompson begins to quote the writings of Daniel Helminiak. Mr. Helminiak was a Catholic priest with you guessed it an agenda!

I won't go into why he is wrong due to the amount of time that might take, but remember, there have been books written about why it is OK to do drugs and commit other sins, all using the Bible as the reference. The fact is this: According to the Bible, sex outside of marriage is sinful. Also note that Jesus himself refers to marriage as being between male and female, and all other biblical references made about marriage involve a man and woman, they do not involve a man and man or woman and woman.

Therefore the sex involved in homosexuality is sinful. And let's be honest with ourselves, a homosexual lifestyle is based on one's choice of the type of sex they like to have.

For Mr. Thompson to compare "homosexual rights" with women's rights and civil rights is insulting at best. There is absolutely no proof of a "gay gene." As a matter of fact, studies have shown that there is most likely not a "gay gene." So there goes the argument of being born that way.

As Christians, we should not turn our backs on homosexuals. They are sinners just like everyone else. However, this does not mean in any way that we should condone homosexuality. On the contrary, we should condemn it just like all sin. Unfortunately the truth hurts all too often, so we try to twist and shape it to our liking, but in the end we are only cheating ourselves.

I did not say half of what I wanted to, but I will finish by saying that a choice of lifestyle does not deserve special rights or privileges or even the same rights and privileges that are enjoyed by following God's teachings in the manner that they were given to us.

Steve Shows


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