Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Thanks for caring for one of the good guys

My husband, Dave, died on March 13. He was the editor and one of the original founders of this paper.

Many of you already know this about him. What you may not know, but may have some sense of, is how strongly he believed in the power of community journalism. He staked his reputation on this belief every day.

Early in our marriage, Dave shared with me several very negative letters to the paper in response to one of his columns. I was so angry that anyone would say such things about Dave and his work.

He calmly explained to me that he felt it was important that his work cause people to react. He always appreciated people taking time to call, to write a letter, or sit down over coffee in reaction to his work. He felt that any reaction was better than apathy. Dave was not shy with his opinions; he would back them up.

He was infinitely patient and kind. He cared for his family and home. He quietly made his mark. He was one of the few good guys.

I wanted to use this venue to express my appreciation to the community for all its continued support, prayers, cards, kind words, and for your letters to the paper. As I work through these difficult days, it is a comfort to know that so many people cared about him and his work. Thank you.

Terri Taylor-Hamrick


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