Wednesday, March 27, 2002

PTC Council, wake up, get some guts

I can no longer sit on the sidelines and read the drivel and whining that is being printed in your publication from a failed and a wannabe candidate. You bet I am disappointed by some of Mayor Brown's actions.

Two out of three voters cast their ballot for Mayor Brown. In my book, that represents a mandate! However, I chalk some of his actions up to his inexperience and an unwilling and gutless City Council.

Case in point, the Tree Police. I recently removed 33 loblolly pines that were a threat to my home and family due to ice storms. The city fathers are now considering an ordinance that would have required me (at considerable additional expense) to replace these non-specimen trees.

My wife and I pay taxes on our property and don't believe the city government should tell us how to enjoy our property. I am a tree lover, not to be confused with tree hugger. I understand that beautiful trees enhance my property value and like to think of myself as a conservationist rather than an environmentalist (there is a difference), political correctness notwithstanding.

While I am at it, where is the outrage over the sewer fee increase? Our previous administration overpaid for a pig in a poke that had already been paid for in the lot development costs. A sweetheart development authority bond and willing County Commission gave the revered developer free reign to feather their nest at the exclusion of other landowners.

How about the newly proposed subdivision that will add to our traffic and overcrowded schools? Never mind that it will compromise the safety of our airport and rezone industrial land to single family residential.

Expand the Gathering place? Where is the cost benefit? Folks don't want to stay home and watch TV? They want to take cooking lessons? Get real.

Come on people, pay attention. I am a senior citizen and don't need the government to look after my leisure time. Peachtree City is blessed with an affluent senior population that is, in my opinion, not looking for other taxpayers to pay for their social activities. The current Gathering Place is a fine facility that serves its purpose and should not be expanded for the sake of expansion.

Hopefully, the mayor and council will wake up and address some real issues that require courage, mutual respect and cooperation.

Yes, I was a failed candidate for mayor who still cares about our community.

Dan Lakly

Peachtree City

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