Wednesday, March 27, 2002

It's wrong to champion one race at expense of another

You would have to be living in a cave with no electricity to not know that February is Black History Month. Every television station in Atlanta had ads that told about [it].

Yes, white people were the brunt of the McDonald's ad, portrayed as stupid. If indeed McDonald's is trying to reach someone who lives in a cave, it is indeed a moot point.

When you build up one race at the expense of another, what indeed have you accomplished? Nothing. To take away the rights of one race is never the right thing to do. McDonald's doesn't need applause, they need the money from all races, and when they insult one to impress another, it's wrong.

You can't push an idea on anyone who doesn't want to listen, and if you don't want to listen, that doesn't mean you are stupid. It's called choice, and that is what the good old U.S.A. is all about.

McDonald's owes all white people an apology, but as long as there are people who make excuses for a wrong done, it won't happen. It's time for white people to stand up and be heard when we are insulted by corporate America, who will do anything to get you to buy their product.

The only person who got my point was "a proud African-American in Fayetteville." However, I happen to believe that blacks were not the only race that has known discrimination. Take for example the American Indians: Never has any race been treated the way they were. Jews are next on the list: We all know about the treatment they got at the hands of the Germans.

History is part of the past, and the future should be brighter for all of us.

LeGay Saul

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