Wednesday, January 23, 2002

Criticizing religious beliefs not way to win converts

I second Ms. Judy White on the good note that you are presenting many different views on subjects. I do not agree, however, with her view on Islam.

Her article was very uninformed and replaced what should be well-known fact with opinion. Many points that were made in her article were very hypocritical to anyone not looking at it through tunnel vision.

I would first like to address the false definition of Allah. Allah is, in fact, just another name for God. In Arabic, to be more specific. Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews use the word Allah for God. If you pick up an Arabic Bible, you will see the word Allah being used where God is used in English.

Muslims worship and believe in only one God the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus. Many aspects of the religion's practice are different; however, the basic truths and belief stand solid.

And since when, especially in this area, has being devout, passionate, and thorough in your religious beliefs been wrong? I, for one, believe that these are qualities that all spiritual people should possess. Just as many Christians would stand up to criticism of their beliefs as Muslims do.

I end this by stating that in these days we need to be accepting of people that are different from us. Criticizing sacred religious beliefs is not going to win anybody over in the end and this mentality could prove dangerous, as the events of Sept. 11 have proven.

Kate Martin

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