Wednesday, January 23, 2002

Taxpayers foot buffalo bills

I read the Citizen on Wednesday and Friday and especially enjoy the many letters to the editor, though I have never written one of my own. Well, this was just too good to pass up, so I thought I would forward it along to all of my Fayette County neighbors.

Ted Turner will be opening his new "Ted's Montana Grill" in The Avenue in Peachtree City [this spring]. I thought it only fair that people be informed that if they eat there, they will be paying quite a bit more than they thought for those burgers.

The Wall Street Journal summed it up well on Tuesday, and I quote, "There's nothing like a government subsidy well spent. Last week in Columbus, Ohio, billionaire Ted Turner cut the ribbon on 'Ted's Montana Grill,' the first in a chain of restaurants specializing in ... bison burgers. As the nation's largest bison herder, Mr. Turner is also a leading government charity case; millions of dollars in aid go to bison farms.

"Perhaps his new business venture will enable him to wean himself off the taxpayer largesse. Meantime, we've got a suggestion for patrons of Media Mogul's Montana Grill: bring in your tax return and demand a discount. No reason to get stuck with a buffalo bill twice."

Thank you for providing this forum to your Fayette County readers.

Susan Bertram

Peachtree City

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