Wednesday, January 9, 2002

Allah is not same God worshipped by Christians

Thanks for always presenting different views on the subject of the mosque in Fayetteville from Chuck Bryant's comments to Jim Stinson's, even ignorance in the making from the college student. We all have the same rights to speak our minds and vent. They should never be denied as Mr. Stinson believes. The very idea that a paper should control or bias people is very dangerous. Yet it happens everyday in America. I am glad you still let people reply to all sides of an issue.

I think most Americans are confused or deceived like I used to be, thinking that Allah is just another name for the same God worshiped by Christians and Jews. Allah is the Moon God, married to the sun goddess, represented by the crescent moon that is visible on every mosque throughout the Muslim world.

Muslims and Arabs are not as relaxed about religion as most Western people. Every thought, activity, feeling or custom is regulated by laws of Islam. Muslims are so devout that they will not tolerate criticism of their religion. Muslims believe it is the will of Allah for Islam to rule the world. Islamic law stipulates that to fulfill Mohammed's task, every "infidel domain" must be considered a territory of war. Islamic theology boils down to one condition: the fundamentalist Muslims must destroy the Jewish people and rule Israel, or Mohammed is a false profit, and the Quran is not true.

Such a thought is inconceivable. Understand that whatever Muslims say about being about peace, etc., their religion demands that they defeat Christians and Jews. So, my fellow Americans, the war goes on. Stand united, under our God. Yes, our God has truly blessed America.

Judy White


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