Wednesday, January 2, 2002

Views 'hate-filled,' 'vile'

Like many (I hope), I am appalled at the ignorant hatred and bigotry of Chuck Bryant's letter in the Dec. 26 edition. His lack of appreciation for the freedoms that the Founding Fathers guaranteed our nation is appalling enough, but his bigoted indictment of the Islam religion strikes fear in my heart. I don't mean that I fear Islam, but I do fear the type of vicious hatred expressed by Mr. Bryant. Hopefully Fayette citizens know that his hatred and bigotry, although vocal, is not shared by most.

I am really most disgusted, though, by the Citizen's publishing of such a hate-filled letter on the day after Christmas! To consider publishing such a devisive, hate-filled, bigoted opinion any time of the year is dangerous to the community. But especially at Christmas, a traditional time of peace and goodwill to all men!

I am a strong proponent of free speech. However, the Citizen has a duty to society to ensure that such vile, potentially dangerous, and inciteful views to not have a forum in which to be expressed.

Mr. Bryant's bigotry and hate will never be changed. However, the Citizen provided a free forum in which that bigotry and hate was spread. The Citizen should be ashamed of itself and owes the community a huge apology. Try showing some respect for our community. Particularly at this difficult time in history and on a day that should have maintained the peaceful message of Christ.

Jim Stinson

Peachtree City


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