The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, December 26, 2001

You say you want a resolution


Last year in this column, I gave advice on how to stick with your New Year's resolutions. I said it was a good idea to lower the bar, so to speak, and set realistic goals. Hopefully, it worked out for you. In revisiting my old column, I looked at the three resolutions I had made. I didn't stick with them too well.

My first resolution was to work on my play every day. I did not do this and sadly, I cannot even remember what play I was working on at the time. However, over the past two weeks I have been working on another play and I have been doing some work on it every day. I guess I'm doing some last minute resoluting.

My second resolution was to drink more water and less soda. Though I didn't cut out the three to four cokes I may have in a day, I do have several glasses of water and milk. I feel that I made good on my resolution. Hey, I could have had no water or milk and drink seven cokes a day. It is a scary sight when I do, too.

My last resolution was to be less caustic and sarcastic, to hold my tongue and keep my smart mouth to myself. I don't think I did too well on this. It was a bad resolution to make anyway, because how can you measure it? I give myself points for wanting to try and hold my tongue, but I take those points away because I know I didn't make a real attempt.

So, one and a half points out of a possible three. That's not too bad, right? The question is what will this year's resolutions be?

I'm going to stick with the "work on my play every day" resolution. I have actually set a deadline for it to be done and I hope to have it produced locally this spring. If it gets produced, I will give myself a point. I also resolve to bring my lunch to work more often this year. I started doing that more this fall and realized that it saved a lot of money. My last resolution is to clean my car more often. It is a pit in there and I can't honestly remember the last time I gave it a full cleaning.

Those seem like realistic resolutions and I think I can accomplish them. Good luck on your resolutions this year. I think the key to making good on your resolutions is to start right away and establish good habits. I'll bring my lunch three days a week and clean out my car on Friday afternoons. If I stay on top of it, it should never get out of hand. On the other hand, maybe with the money I save by bringing my lunch, I can pay somebody else to do it.

Happy New Year, everybody. Be safe and have fun.


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