Wednesday, December 19, 2001

Mr. Rower, you and friends should stand up for fair wages for employees

[To Peachtree City mayoral candidate Gary] Rower, thanks for making it an interesting election.

I think there were "uninformed" people on both sides of the fence. I also think everyone admires someone who stands by their buddies (Mayor Lenox, Fred Brown, Frank Murphy), but please do Peachtree City a favor and use your union brotherhood and corporate buddies to help the plight of the "working person."

While everyone certainly appreciates everyone in the community who supports charities, we all know most people just want a fair chance to survive on their own and would be grateful to those that could help their families not beg for charity as most people have integrity and dignity.

As a union member, it is your duty to step up and help by not necessarily advocating unions, but by finding a way to pay back those who suffered and fought for the success of our contracts.

Most people are not jealous or aware of any so-called establishment, but lose respect and find it disgraceful for people who live off the fruits of a contract/brotherhood and take absolutely no stand in editorials or elections to support those roots.

We need you, your brotherhood, to finally stand up and help pressure corporate America (Wal-Mart, etc.) and admit that it is not decent for any corporation to make trillions and have their employees' families live in a car (not to mention those recreation fees).

If not, then please admit that you would rather just play that occasional golf charity, volunteer at the kids' school, enjoy the fruits of your contract, continue to support and defend politicians who have not done one iota for the average citizen and continue to tell Peachtree City how thankful we should be!

Mr. Rower, you are in the perfect position to be "the man" in this community and help unite people and create positive action for the benefit of all people in Peachtree City. Please make the right decision. I'll even promise to quit ragging in the editorial section! Happy holidays to all!

Cindy Ostrowski

Peachtree City


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