Wednesday, December 12, 2001

Heritage Christian Church's 'Dickens Village' is open tonight through Sunday

To get into the Christmas spirit, area residents may visit and stroll through Heritage Christian's "Dickens Village," a Victorian village with old-fashioned activities, which will be open tonight from 5:30-9 p.m. The Starr's Mill Chanticleer Choir is scheduled to perform at 7:30. The village will be open nightly through Sunday, Dec. 16.

Thursday night, the Heritage Adult Choir will perform at 7:30 p.m. and Friday, the farewell performance of the singing group, "Truth," is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tickets are required for the Truth performance and may be obtained by calling Christian Happenings, 1-800-965-9324. Tickets are $10 per person.

The Heritage Children's Choir will perform Saturday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m., and the Heritage Adult Choir will again perform on Sunday, Dec. 16, at 7 p.m.

Other activities include an old-fashioned woodworking shop, street vendors with holiday drinks, carolers, a candy cane shop and a Christmas tree shop.

Heritage Christian is at 2130 Redwine Rd. in South Fayette County. For more information, call the church office, 770-716-5768, or access the Web site at

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