Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Faulkner endorses Fritz

For the record, I want to thank all of those who supported me in the recent election. I am honored to have had this experience and to have met so many wonderful people. We didn't win this round, but I have learned much by this experience and you will certainly see my name on a future ballot.

I am confident that Steve Rapson will do a great job for us. When I called to offer my congratulations to him for winning the election, he told me, "You should have run against Carol Fritz."

If there had been another choice besides Carol, I wouldn't have run against Steve. But to have run against Carol Fritz would have defeated my purpose in this election.

My motivation in this election was a matter of principle. It was about sharing my experience and educating the general public about what really goes on behind the scenes at City Hall. It was about open government. It was about truth and honor. And, it was about holding my head high and standing up to those who abuse their power. From where I sat, Carol Fritz had stood firm for these same principles. And while I'm sure Steve has the potential to do so as well, Carol was the one who had proven herself to me.

It would be unrealistic to expect we will agree with every vote cast by our elected officials. But we can expect our elected officials to serve our community with integrity. We can expect them to have honor and consult their conscience before casting a vote. We can expect them to diligently research the issues and make informed decisions. We can expect them to represent us at regional meetings and to actively pursue leadership certification through the Georgia Municipal Association. We can expect them to stand firm in the face of adversity and to take action to represent us effectively.

Murray Weed seems like a nice guy and he is certainly intelligent enough to represent us well. But, I have only known the "Campaign Murray Weed." I don't know who he is as a person or what makes him tick.

I do know Carol Fritz and I admire her. She is the kind of person who serves others rather than herself. She acknowledges the injustice in the world and she does her part to make a difference. She spends an enormous amount of time researching issues before making decisions. Her conscience is clear and her heart is in the right place. We certainly can't say that about most of her colleagues.

We don't know what the future holds for us in the next four years. But, we can rest assured that Carol Fritz has the wisdom, experience, and desire to help lead our city with honor and valor.

Nancy Faulkner

[Faulkner was defeated by Steve Rapson for the Post 3 seat on Council.]

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