Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Possible solution for missing 'Win with Weed' signs?

After my letter to the editor discussing the missing Murray Weed signs was published this week, I received a call from a Carol Fritz supporter assuring me that Carol would never stoop so low as to steal someone else's signs.

As I recall, I didn't say Carol was stealing the signs. I agree with the caller that Carol would not personally be involved in this type of activity. But, someone is taking Mr. Weed's signs and the result is less visibility for his campaign as compared to Fritz.

Now, I didn't vote for either of these candidates, but I am concerned about what the theft of campaign signs does to our political process.

One last item the Fritz camp has an answer to the sign disappearance that many parents of McIntosh High students might be interested in: my caller said boys at McIntosh (only boys now and only at McIntosh) are bragging that they have Murray Weed signs hanging in their rooms.

Apparently it is something about his campaign slogan. So, all you McIntosh parents out there, find those signs.

Robert Brown

Peachtree City

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