Wednesday, November 7, 2001

Column unfair to Fritz

After reading Wednesday's newspaper, I feel compelled to come to Carol Fritz's defense because I believe she is being unfairly accused.

I doubt there is anyone in Peachtree City who is more dismayed by the prospect of a Super Wal-Mart and other big box stores and by the traffic gridlock at Ga. highways 54-74, nor more against high-density multifamily development than I am.

However, to put the blame in the lap of carol Fritz, when the circumstances that led to these problems were in place for years before her position on the board, is unfair.

I do not believe that Carol ever "supported" big box stores. I do know that she agonized over the issue and felt that the city was in a no-win situation, due to the zoning that was already in place, and was convinced that a no vote would not hold up in court. There was also the concern that, should it have gone to court, the city would have lost whatever concessions they had been able to negotiate with the developers.

Whether or not this was the best decision, it is my belief that it was made with the best interest of the city at heart, despite being unpopular and politically unwise.

I also recall that Carol voted to study the annexation issue, but did not support nor vote in favor of annexation, something which I and many members of the task force fought hard against.

I do know that Carol puts exceptional time and effort into her job as councilwoman, attends many seminars, has taken courses, and tries to make informed decisions.

Whether or not we all agree with all of the decisions that have been made, there is no question in my mind that Carol Fritz serves with integrity, has no ulterior motives, and cares about Peachtree City and its residents.

Phyllis Aguayo

Peachtree City

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