Wednesday, October 24, 2001

Georgia Baptist Children's Homes trustees approve funds for international adoption, aid services to Russia

The Board of Trustees of Georgia Baptist Children's Homes and Family Ministries, Inc, recently approved funding to begin international adoption services and humanitarian aid efforts with Russia. This effort comes in the form of a partnership with Buckner Adoption and Maternity Services in Dallas, Texas, a division of Buckner Benevolence, a Baptist child care and family services organization.

"Our concern for children reaches beyond the borders of the United States," said James Harper, vice president of the Children's Homes ministry. "Our staff has been dreaming and planning for many years to involve our agency in international adoption and humanitarian aid serving children all around the world. Buckner has been involved for several years in this type of ministry. They can serve as a leader as we begin this new ministry."

According to Harper, the Children's Homes organization's efforts will begin in the form of aid to the orphanage of Svir Stroy in St. Petesburg, Russia.

"When an organization develops a relationship with a specific orphanage, the adoption process proceeds smoother," he said.

Carol McCarty, administrator of Community Based Ministries, recently took a trip to Russia to evaluate the ministry.

"I knew there was a great need to assist in international adoptions and aid to foreign orphanages," said McCarty, "but after visiting the orphanage, I feel it is our Christian duty to assist these children in any way possible and move them into better situations and perhaps better lives. The aid we can provide today will make the lives better for the children we will be able to adopt to families in America."

According to McCarty, the condition of the orphanages in Russia is very poor. New babies sleep in one room in metal cribs.

"These babies have no one to hold them except at the regular scheduled fitting and changing times. In some cases the babies have developed flat heads because they are stationary in one position," said McCarty. "We must do something to help."

A series of informational meetings will be held across the state with the first meeting scheduled for Oct. 27 on the Palmetto Campus. Other meetings will be scheduled for the Savannah, Columbus and Macon areas. To register for an information meeting or to receive more information, call the Community Based Ministries office, 770-463-8645.

Georgia Baptist Children's Homes and Family Ministries, Inc. is a Christian ministry offering residential care, emergency care, counseling services, maternity care, adolescent substance abuse treatment, foster care and adoption services and international ministries to children and families all across Georgia. Three campuses in Baxley, Meansville and Palmetto as well as community based group homes provide assistance to troubled and abused teens and children.


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