The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Waiting for the other shoe to drop


Drew Barrymore left the set of "Saturday Night Live" last week in tears. She had just learned of an NBC News employee getting anthrax and she panicked, like any sensible person who was afraid of getting anthrax would.

She came back and did the show and it was as funny as SNL gets these days. Perhaps the most humorous part of the show was seeing Barrymore's husband, Tom Green, sitting in the audience with a gas mask on.

The first time I ever heard the word "anthrax" was when I heard the a version of Public Enemy's "Bring the Noise" featuring the band Anthrax. I guess that is one band that would have to change their name if they were still around.

I have also heard talk recently that Tim Duncan and David Robinson are wondering if they should still be referred to as the "Twin Towers." Both men play for the NBA's San Antonio Spurs and are over seven feet tall. They were called that nickname well before the tragedy, but out of respect, they will probably change it.

I think that people are getting a little carried away.

People are scared and they have every right to be. This is a scary time in American history. The last time people might have been this scared in our country is during the blackouts of World War II. There is great uncertainty and that breeds fear.

The president has been urging citizens around the nation to not panic and that is good advice. We must keep our wits about us at a time like this.

For example, people on a flight panicked when confetti fell out of a birthday card. Confetti. Small bits of glittery paper cut out in decorative shapes. I understand that people flying anywhere these days have to be on edge, but it might be in everybody's best interest to use some common sense and let cooler heads prevail.

It is the same common sense that tells you that terrorists weren't buzzing the Fayette County fair in their airplane. Morons, yes, but not terrorists.

We were told last Friday that there was a good chance there would be another attack over the weekend. There wasn't. We are being told that the possibility of a biological or chemical attack is very high, but we still drink water and take showers. I haven't seen people start boiling their water, just in case. That is because you have to go on with your life. You can't let these threats stop you from living your life.

I will admit that I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know that there is a very real threat of more terrorist acts occuring in our nation, but I also realize that I am fairly powerless to stop it. Sure, if I see a shady character pouring something in the local water supply, I can call the authorities and drink bottled water for awhile, but the likelihood of seeing that is small. I don't live near the water supply.

I don't know how or when the next attacks will occur, but I would be very surprised if terrorists use a plane as a weapon anytime in the future. Any terrorist that gets on a plane in this country better have more than a box cutter because the passengers will be tearing that person limb from limb. That mentally disturbed individual flying to Chicago last week was very lucky.

So, keep your heads and keep your chin up. We will get through this and will most likely be a stronger country for it. And, if you are going by the water supply, keep your eyes open.

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