Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Development authority joins select group of organizations

The Fayette County Development Authority has received designation as an Accredited Economic Development Organization by the International Economic Development Council.

The international organization of economic and community development professionals presented the authority with the accreditation during the Annual Awards Banquet of the Georgia Economic Developers Association on September 19.

Fayette County joins fewer than 20 communities nation wide and becomes the first development authority in Georgia to receive this honor. IEDC provides the Accredited Economic Development Organization Program as a means of recognizing the professional excellence of economic development entities throughout North America.

The goals of the AEDO Program are to provide economic development organizations with independent feedback on their operations, structure and procedures and recognize excellence in local economic development organizations.

The AEDO Program consists of two phases: a documentation review and an on-site visit. Each is designed to elicit specific and verifiable information about the structure, organization, funding, program, and staff of the candidate economic development organization.

The Authority was recognized by the Fayette County Commission last Thursday night.

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