Friday, October 12
, 2001

Fulton County School System shows care, concern, and support in response to national events

Superintendent of Schools

We will never forget where we were Sept. 11, 2001, when we heard the news of the attack on America.

The shock and magnitude of the event forever will remain in our hearts.

The Fulton County School System's response was immediate. Within minutes, all 75 schools had been put on full safety alert. Staff members, many of whom had family and friends in New York and Washington, put aside their personal fears and concerns and concentrated on the safety of our students.

Counselors, psychologists and social workers were on call to help students and staff cope with the enormity of events.

Since the attack, the response has been even more overwhelming.

School staffs still follow tough safety procedures, but the reaction has now shifted to one of help for the victims and their families. Local schools are sponsoring fund-raisers, employees donated more than $20,000 to relief efforts, and messages of support continue to go out to the survivors and our leaders.

Educators talk of "teachable moments" those activities that offer the opportunity to teach far more than the originally scheduled lesson plan.

There have been many teachable moments over the past few weeks and our teachers have risen to the occasion, always considering the sensitivity of the issue and the needs of the students. These are trying times, but our staff continues to prove their professionalism.

We hear much talk of heroes, and students have had an opportunity to learn just what the term really means. On Sept. 21, we celebrated a different type of hero.

In an event that had been planned long before the terrorist attacks, the Fulton County School System honored our outstanding employees and partners of the year. The 2001 Recognition Luncheon was timely because it gave us a chance to say thank you to those who often are unsung heroes the people who teach valuable lessons, who model the way, and encourage the hearts of our youth. They are true heroes who never fail to inspire, to dream big, to reach high and to endure.

As I looked across the room during that event, I was impressed with what I saw. We do not know what will happen in our country during the next few months and years, but we do know that the education of our students will be in good hands.

With this group of educators, today's students will be prepared to serve as tomorrow's leaders. I hope you join me in thanking them and all 9,000 Fulton County employees for their heroism. They are helping to educate and to raise up the next generation of heroes our firemen, our police officers, our business leaders, our senators and representatives, and yes, our teachers.

If you have any questions about the Fulton County School System, please contact our Community Relations Department at 404-763-6830, or visit our Web site at


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