The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

Sandy Creek lightens the mood with evening of one-acts


Sandy Creek High School will present one-act plays this Thursday and Friday and the common thread among the seven works is comedy.

The plays are "I Hate Mothers" and six plays by David Ives from his work "All In The Timing." They are short, unique and often hilarious. Three of the one-acts that will be performed this week will be entered in the regional one-act competition in November.

"Several classes have performed some of these works before as scene studies," said Kathy Andersen, who is directing several of the plays with fellow drama teacher Shawna McKellar. "Sandy Creek performed some of these plays four or five years ago, so this is kind of a mini-revival for us."

The six plays by Ives are short and set in New York City. "Sure Thing" deals with two people trying to create the perfect conversation, despite how often they must change themselves in the process. "Words, Words, Words" revolves around the old theory that, given enough monkeys with typewriters, one would eventually write "Hamlet." "Philadelphia" is about a state of mind in which one must do the exact opposite because in the minds of the characters, Philadelphia is a place where you can't get what you want.

Perhaps the most intriguing work of the evening will be "Phillip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread." The play was written as a score of music that is reflective of the work of Phillip Glass. Glass is best known for wanting to perform three five-hour operas on three consecutive nights.

"Variations on the Death of Trotsky" is one of the favorites among the cast because it offers up eight theories on Trotsky's odd death. "I Hate Mothers" is the longest of the one-acts and deals with the girl in high school who is constantly typecast as the mother in the school plays. The actress breaks character in the middle of the play and the other actors must try to corral her back onto the script.

The cast seems to enjoy the plays and their sense of humor, which will undoubtedly make if even more fun for the audience.

The Sandy Creek one-acts will be performed at Hopewell United Methodist Church, across the street from the high school, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 11 and 12. Performances begin at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance and $6 at the door. For information phone Kathy Andersen at 770-969-2840 ext. 259.

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