Wednesday, October 10, 2001

Chuckleheaded letters point out our freedom

Two letters you published in last week's Citizen initially saddened me. These were from Jeff Czysz ("Thanks, tree huggers") and Frank Hyde ("Coming to America?").

To think that such narrow, small-minded opinions still exist today is indeed very sad. Mr. Czysz would arm everyone on an airplane. What a good idea to make the airways safer: more weapons on the plane!

Mr. Hyde's letter made it clear that he is just a racist. It deserves no more ink than that.

But then it occurred to me, that part of what makes the United States a great country is that we allow chuckleheads like these to air their ridiculous views in public, with no fear of recrimination. In many countries in the world today, they'd be thrown in jail for their opinions.

Accepting that others have different viewpoints from our own is what living in a free society is all about. "I despise what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

Ray Gravelle


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