The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, October 3, 2001

Charity banquet to raise money for 9/11 funds


Since the tragic events of Sept. 11, America has come together as one community to do everything possible for those in need.

People have given blood in record numbers and donated food, clothing, money and time. Now, two cooks from Longhorn Steakhouse in Peachtree City have decided to unite all of the Peachtree City restaurants in a charity dinner that will raise money for the New York Times 9/11 Neediest Fund.

"We watched all of the coverage and wanted to do something to help out," said Rusty Bowers. "The fund is a blanket fund that covers all charities in the area." Bowers and his friend, Chris Venza, decided that since many of their friends are cooks and servers in Peachtree City, they should unite to raise money for those affected by the tragedy.

The dinner will take place at Aberdeen Woods Conference Center Nov. 3. There will be two turns of dinner, one at 5 p.m. and one at 8 p.m. Mayor Bob Lenox will speak at the event, as will Peachtree City Chief of Police Jim Murray, and Fire Chief Stony Lohr. Each session of dinner will be able to hold 250 people.

"People have been amazing," said Venza. "Aberdeen Woods has donated the use of their restaurant facilites as well as use of their executive chef and their kitchen. In fact, getting donations from the restaurants was the easiest part." Some of the restaurants contributing are Longhorn Steakhouse and Outback Steakhouse, which will donate prime rib; Baci, which will donate baked lasagna and bread from its bakery; pasta from Macaroni Grill, and desserts from Chik-fil-A. Kwik Kopy also has been generous to the event, helping the two young men with their copying needs.

Bowers and Venza are hoping to have art work from local schools showcased as well as a chorus or two to sing during the event. The dinner will cost $30 per person and will be reservation only. They will be selling tickets at local churches, outside grocery stores and at Longhorn Steakhouse. They will also take reservations by e-mail at

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