The Fayette Citizen-Sports Page

Wednesday, October 3, 2001

PTC Flash cross country season well


The Peachtree City Flash cross country team attended their first meet of 2001 on Saturday. Thirty seven athletes competed for the team against teams such as Gwinnett Lightning, Walton, Atlanta Red Runners and the Atomic Starts out of Macon. Several runners placed in the top six of their age groups and the 10 and under girls won the first place team award.

In the 8 and under group, Haley Smith finished in fifth place in the girls division with a time of 10:04. Smith was followed by Chelsea Bowman with a time of 12:40. Baylen Garrett led the 8 and under boys with a fifth place finish in a time of 9:06. He was followed by Mitch Miller, 9:45; Chase Mosely, 12:41; Stephen Mosely, 12:35; and Ian Roberts, 10:58.

The 10 and Under girls finished first as a team. mary Roberts placed third with a time of 13:06, while Shannon phillips placed fifth with a time of 13:58. They were followed by Kie Fujii, 14:58; Mary Herbal, 15:03; kara Markle, 15:15; Renee Wetli, 15:38; Emily Richardson, 17:24 and Katie Jeffrey, 18:18. The 10 an under boys were led by Justin Jarrell with a time of 13:37 and followed by Parker Bachman, 14:40; Scott Vermeyen, 15:52; Eric Wilson, 16:44; Wesley Smith, 16:52; Parker Elliot, 17:12; Alex Brewer, 20:44; Kyle Wilson, 21:36; and Matt Martin, 21:37.

The 12 and under girls were led by Rebecca Stokes who finished second with a time of 12:31. Stokes was followed by Whitney Huguelet, 13:02; Kelly Adams, 16:15; and Tasha Bingley, 19:00. The 12 and under boys were led by Vince Brown who finished second with a time of 11:36. Brown was followed by Jonathan Garret, 13:48; Jake Hainey, 14:53; Nathaniel Jeffrey, 15:35; and Princeton Hodge, 17:39.

The 14 and under girls ran 2.48 miles. They were led by Lacey Garrett who finished with a time of 20:08. Garrett was followed by Katherine Conger, 24:17; and Pam Stevenson, 28:13. The competitor in 14 and under boys was Troy Elliot who finished with a time of 19:57.

In addition to the meet on Saturday, six of the Peachtree City Flash cross country team sent six athletes to the Atlanta Track Club Ecotin marathon relay. The marathon was divided into six legs, 4.37 miles each. The six athletes were Shannon Phillips, 36:02; Mary Roberts, 35:33; Whitney Hugulet, 37:06; Vince Brown, 32:17; Jonathan Garrett, 34:39; and Lacy Garrett, 36:25

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