Wednesday, October 3, 2001

Community Christian to offer study on 'Understanding Islam'

There is little doubt that many Americans are terrified and angry as a result of the recent attacks in New York and Washington. Misunderstandings have arisen between peoples of different cultures and faiths. Violence, even murder, has been committed because of these misunderstandings.

One Fayetteville church wants to do something about dispelling some of the myths surrounding the Islamic faith. The Community Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Fayetteville will offer an educational encounter on "Understanding Islam." Wednesday, Oct. 10, from 7-9 p.m. at the church on Kenwood Rd.

Offered as a service to churches and members of the community, the event will be led by social science and comparative religion instructors within the congregation of Community Church.

"The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have put Islamic faith into the news and into the minds of many Americans," a spokesperson said. "Out of fear and misunderstanding, Mosques have been vandalized. Also, American citizens of Middle Eastern descent and Arabs in the United States legally have been harassed and cast under suspicion, causing them to live in fear.

"The staff of Community Christian hopes that teaching the basics of Islamic faith and practice will help to drive out fear and increase understanding between Jews, Christians and Muslims, drawing us together as citizens and as a community."

The gathering is open to anyone who wishes to attend.

Community Christian is just west of Ga. Hwy. 314 on Kenwood Rd., about three miles north of Fayetteville. For more information, call 770-460-9745.

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