Wednesday, October 3, 2001

What America needs is a change of heart ...

Religion Columnist

What's in vogue this week? Is it patriotism? Is it finding you in a house of prayer? Is it reading your Bible? Or, is it getting revenge unmindful of the week during which prayer was in vogue?

I fear that we Americans are so fickle that nothing short of touching our own house and family will turn us in repentance to God. Check history.

Our closest ally should be giving lessons on spirituality to America. But it's not the case. The bombs were dropped on England during World War II so that houses and families were touched by the Nazi terror. One would have thought that because of the war on England and its threat to their security and freedom, England would become a seedbed for revival. But peek into the worship houses today and you'll find an England asleep to the mind and commandments of God. It's very sad that after God saved England, less than 10 percent of the population acknowledge Him, much less attend his place of business, the church.

Please don't read me as being un-American. I love America. When called I served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam era. I get throat- clogged at the singing of the National Anthem. But I worry about Americans who faithfully cling to fads. I worry about Christians who are more concerned with their stock portfolio than their own spiritual condition, much less the spiritual condition of others.

The President's advisors tell us that the war against terrorism may take five to ten years. That it's not a traditional war. We seem to accept their propositions now. But since our enemy is "evil," how much more should the church be willing to get into the war making a long-term commitment?

It's been said before that we want a "microwave" solution. That is, fast! We want a war against terrorism and we want it to be over soon so we can get back to our pursuit of self. The problem, however, arises that when we get back to self and all our selfishness, we abandon the church house and those spiritual pursuits that were born facing death and destruction.

When Arnold Toynbee concluded his career writing the history of western civilization, he was asked for a brief, final commentary on the human situation. He said, "The heart of the matter is that there needs to be a change of heart."

Pharaoh allowed the Hebrew people to leave Egypt only after a change of heart caused by the death of his own first born son. But it was only a brief change of heart. Soon, he sent his army after God's people.

A change of heart wrought by fear and death won't be much of a change of heart for America. God laid down his terms for the healing of America long ago in 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Doesn't sound like a couple of quick prayer services to me. Sounds like a long battle to reclaim lost spiritual ground in the war for the souls of humankind.

The Rev. Dr. John Hatcher is pastor of River's Edge

Community Church in Fayetteville.

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