Wednesday, October 3, 2001

Coming to America? Here's a tip for immigrants: Conform

I have an idea that our government needs to adopt in regards to immigration. Pass a law that anyone who wishes to come to our country as a citizen or on a visa, only the ones whose last names are either Smith or Jones are allowed to come in.

On a more serious note, I do think there are some things that would make these transitions more to the liking of the American public. Let's have rules that these Muslims must adhere to if they come here to live.

1. Swear allegiance to the United State of America.

2. Change your dress code to more blend in with ours. Take off the headdress and flowing wraps and put on a pair of blue jeans. Look somewhat like us.

3. Most important, give up all that gibberish you are speaking in our supermarkets. I have the urge to grab you and demand you speak English, and I would expect someone will do that to you soon. So, learn our language fast.

If you plan to come here to live, bone up on our language before you begin your trip. The American public really hates to go into a store and listen to you speaking a foreign tongue. That goes for the Hispanic people who are fast becoming our most ethnic minority.

I, like most of America, welcomes you to our country, and ask that you play by our rules. You have set yourself down in a land of milk and honey. The nearest you will ever come to the garden of Eden, so praise your God and also our God that you are here.

Frank Hyde

Peachtree City


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