Wednesday, October 3, 2001

Thanks, tree-huggers, for virtually disarming America

I would like to thank the tree-hugging, bed-wetting, feel-good, sissified voters and politicians that have done their best to prevent individuals from defending themselves.

The recent horrific terrorist attack on America demonstrates the Law of Unintended Consequences.

Our government stripped the aircrew and passengers of their fundamental right to self-defense. Had the government observed the constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms, the good people aboard the four hijacked aircraft and the good people in the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon would most likely be alive today.

Thank you tree-huggers and sissies everywhere for preventing individuals from defending themselves. Keep up the good work; the framers of the Constitution would be so proud of you. Better yet, extend your effort and prevent our country from defending itself.

We won't need to defend ourselves from incoming missiles either who would do that to us?

Jeff Czysz

Peachtree City


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