Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Rescuers show true courage

In light of this week's tragedy, take a minute to reflect.

It is human nature to respond to a call for help. How many times have dozens of people turned out to help find a young child lost in the mountains in dangerous terrain? Or seeing a youngster break through thin ice, volunteers try to rescue them. Even when an animal becomes trapped, people turn out to help.

It is human nature to want to help someone else, even if it means that you might fail in the attempt and die. Still, people try! Such are the events in New York and Washington D.C. this week. Fireman, police officers, EMTs, and other rescue personnel are trying to help, knowing that the building they're working in, or the mound of rubble that used to be one of the world's tallest skyscrapers, may come down on them at any second. Still, there is no one backing out. They will gladly lay down their life so that a total stranger may live. That is our nature!

Today, I watched rescuers wiggling under concrete slabs weighing thousands of pounds, knowing that the slightest vibration might cause it to shift or collapse, trying to see is they could help someone or recover the body of someone's loved ones. They do it, not because someone is forcing them or there is a large physical reward, but because it is our human nature to want to help others. We've all seen it on TV in other areas of the world, people wanting to help others even at the expense of their own lives. That is what sets us apart from all the other creatures on this planet!

We are witnessing a miracle this week: people risking and, in some cases, giving their lives that they might aid someone. I saw an interview on CBS the other day with a fireman who had been pulled from the rubble of Tower One. The other five men in his squad were all killed. He was covered with thick layers of dust and soot. He asked the reporter to call his wife for him and tell her he was all right and to be sure and tell her that he loved her. He then left and went back into the wreckage to hopefully rescue someone else! That is courage, love of duty and love of your fellow man. That cannot be bought at any price!

Say a prayer for the victims, and their families, of the horrible tragedy and also say a little prayer for the safety of the rescuers.

This is, also, the giant that the terrorists have stirred!

God bless our country and its people.

Tom Bennett


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