Wednesday, September 5, 2001

No matter how much, the bill has been paid

Religion Columnist

I was shopping for luggage last week in a local department store. The huge, fine piece of luggage didn't have a price tag, so my wife and I took it to the customer service desk to inquire as to its price. The kind lady looked at a marking and immediately said, "$69." I said, "We'll take it." Not 60 seconds later did she discover the price was really $199. But, she added, "I'll eat the difference because I quoted you the wrong price." I came back at her and said, "But, I wouldn't want you to get into trouble." She came back, "I'm the manager. It's okay." What was I to say except, "Thank you and bless you." My wife and I left the store praising God for his favor to us.

Now you know any preacher worth his salt reads out of such incidents divine insights. So I am this Labor Day morning. You well may have your own insights.

Let's say you go through life and collect a lot of luggage, a la sin, and come up to the great check out counter in the sky to inquire as to price, a la penalty, and the checker quotes you a price. You say, "I'll take it at that price." But, upon examination, you discover you really have more luggage, a la sin, than at first count. You, a good scout, admit the excess, but the checker says, "That's okay. It's the same. I'm the manager."

Would you like to read some good news? Well, for all your and my sin shopping, the bill has been paid in full. Already! Seriously! You may have shopped at some of the pricier places like the ex-Gold Club or you have shopped under a bridge in southwest Atlanta. Your cart may be filled with abuse of loved ones or what's called white-collar crime. Your purchases may have been in secret on the Internet, a la porn, or it may have been in a public parade down Peachtree.

The word has been heard around the world, "In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Down through the centuries men and women from all walks of sin have taken advantage of this free offer. The offer's benefactor simply does not care how much is in your cart, "If we admit it, he'll forgive it, because he's already paid for it."

Now is a good time to come clean and get clean. There's a hint of fall in the air. The long desired rains are cleaning the air and baptizing the earth. A new school year has started. The church even now begins to plan for celebrations of the birth of the sin buster.

Why not have yourself a new beginning by admitting your cart full or even half-full of sin. He has paid the price. Then, begin to live in the freedom of the ecstasy of forgiveness.

The Rev. Dr. John Hatcher is pastor of River's Edge

Community Church in Fayetteville.

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